Padre de todos,
creador y gobernante del universo,
nos confiaste tu mundo a nosotros como un don.
Ayúdanos a cuidar de él y de todas las personas,
para que vivamos en relación correcta:
con nosotros mismos,
entre nosotros,
y con la creación.
Cristo nuestro Señor,
tanto divino como humano,
viviste entre nosotros y moriste por nuestros pecados.
Ayúdanos a imitar tu amor por la familia humana
reconociendo que todos estamos conectados,
a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de todo el mundo,
a los que viven en pobreza impactados por la devastación ambiental,
y a las generaciones futuras.
Espíritu Santo,
dador de sabiduría y de amor,
infundes vida en nosotros y nos guías.
Ayúdanos a vivir de acuerdo a tu visión,
moviendo a la acción los corazones de todos,
individuos y familias,
comunidades de fe,
y líderes civiles y políticos.
Uno y Trino, ayúdanos a escuchar el clamor de los que viven en pobreza,
y el clamor de la tierra, para que juntos cuidemos de nuestra casa
Father of all,
Creator and ruler of the universe,
You entrusted your world to us as a gift.
Help us to care for it and all people,
that we may live in right relationship--
with You,
with ourselves,
with one another,
and with creation.
Christ our Lord,
both divine and human,
You lived among us and died for our sins.
Help us to imitate your love for the human family
by recognizing that we are all connected—
to our brothers and sisters around the world,
to those in poverty impacted by environmental devastation,
and to future generations.
Holy Spirit,
giver of wisdom and love,
You breathe life in us and guide us.
Help us to live according to your vision,
stirring to action the hearts of all—
individuals and families,
communities of faith,
and civil and political leaders.
Triune God, help us to hear the cry of those in poverty, and the cry of the earth, so that we may together care for our common home.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Horas para los Voluntarios - Volunteer Hours
❏ 4:00p - 7:00p ❏ 7:00p - 10:00p ❏ 10:00p - 12:00a
❏ 4:00p - 7:00p ❏ 7:00p - 10:00p ❏ 10:00p - 12:00a
❏ 4:00p - 7:00p ❏ 7:00p - 10:00p
❏ 4:00p - 7:00p ❏ 7:00p - 10:00p ❏ 10:00p - 12:00a
❏ 4:00p - 7:00p ❏ 7:00p - 10:00p ❏ 10:00p - 12:00a
❏ 4:00p - 7:00p ❏ 7:00p - 10:00p
Donaciones para la Fiesta Mexicana - Fiesta Mexicana Donations
❏ Queso Amarillo / Yellow Cheese
❏ Lechuga / Lettuce
❏ Desechables / Disposable cups and plates
❏ Salchichón / Sausage
❏ Pasteles / Sweets
❏ Tomate / Tomatoes
❏ Chile Colorado / Red Chile
❏ Chile Verde / Green Chile
❏ Queso Blanco / White Cheese
❏ Crema / Sour Cream
❏ Aguacates / Avocados
❏ Aceite / Oil
❏ Maseca / Flour
❏ Tortillas de Maíz (La Primera) / Flour Tortillas (La Priemera)
❏ Salsa de Tomate / Ketchup
❏ Mostaza / Mustard
❏ Mayonesa / Mayonnaise
❏ Papitas Tostadas / Potato Chips
❏ Regalos para la Lotería / Lotery Gifts
❏ Lechuga / Lettuce
❏ Desechables / Disposable cups and plates
❏ Salchichón / Sausage
❏ Pasteles / Sweets
❏ Tomate / Tomatoes
❏ Chile Colorado / Red Chile
❏ Chile Verde / Green Chile
❏ Queso Blanco / White Cheese
❏ Crema / Sour Cream
❏ Aguacates / Avocados
❏ Aceite / Oil
❏ Maseca / Flour
❏ Tortillas de Maíz (La Primera) / Flour Tortillas (La Priemera)
❏ Salsa de Tomate / Ketchup
❏ Mostaza / Mustard
❏ Mayonesa / Mayonnaise
❏ Papitas Tostadas / Potato Chips
❏ Regalos para la Lotería / Lotery Gifts
Educación Religiosa - Religious Education
Educación Religiosa: Las inscripciones para el programa están cerradas. Comenzado la semana después del día del trabajo, que es del 8 de Septiembre, las clases darán comienzo para todos los programas de Educación Religiosa. Esperamos a todos los estudiantes nuevos y los que regresan con mucha ilusión. Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa con el Sr. Macías.
Religious Education: Registrations have come to an end. Starting, the week after Labor Day weekend, which is September 8, classes will commence for all the Religious Education programs. Thank you for all your support, we are anxious to see all the new and returning students. If you have any questions, please call the Religious Education Office with Mr. Macias.
Religious Education: Registrations have come to an end. Starting, the week after Labor Day weekend, which is September 8, classes will commence for all the Religious Education programs. Thank you for all your support, we are anxious to see all the new and returning students. If you have any questions, please call the Religious Education Office with Mr. Macias.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Oficina Cerrada - Office Closed
Jueves 27 de Agosto: La oficina estará cerrada de la 1:00pm a las 4:00pm.
Thursday, August 27: The office will be closed from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Thursday, August 27: The office will be closed from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Nuevo Horario de Oficina - New Office Hours
Nuevo Horario de Oficina: Comenzando el martes 8 de Septiembre, la oficina comenzara su nuevo horario. El horario es el siguiente: Lunes: Cerrado / Martes-Jueves: 10:00am-6:00pm / Viernes: 10:00pm – 4:00pm / Sábado y Domingo: 9:00am – 1:00pm
New Office Schedule: Beginning on Tuesday, September 8, the office will begin its New Office Hours. The schedule is as follows: Monday: Closed / Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-6:00pm / Friday: 10:00am – 4:00pm / Saturday and Sunday: 9:00am to 1:00pm
New Office Schedule: Beginning on Tuesday, September 8, the office will begin its New Office Hours. The schedule is as follows: Monday: Closed / Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-6:00pm / Friday: 10:00am – 4:00pm / Saturday and Sunday: 9:00am to 1:00pm
Encuentro Matrimonial - Marriage Encounter
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial: Para mas información pueden comunicarse con Carlos y Lidia Aguilar: 317-9702 y 228-5357, Ricardo y Erandi Rodriguez: 241-5015 y 240-7901, Enrique y Judith Amaya: 355-8640 y 355-8639.
World Marriage Encounter: The next weekend for Marriage Encounter in English will be on August 21-23 in Silver City and October 9-11 in El Paso. For more information please contact Mando and Linda Juarez 637-8797.
World Marriage Encounter: The next weekend for Marriage Encounter in English will be on August 21-23 in Silver City and October 9-11 in El Paso. For more information please contact Mando and Linda Juarez 637-8797.
Ambiente Seguro - Safe Environment
Atención a Todos los Ministerios y sus Voluntarios: El horario de sesiones para el entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro ya se encuentra por todas partes de la parroquia. Aquí esta un resumen: Sábado, 19 de septiembre, de las 9:00am a las 12:00pm y Sábado 26 de septiembre de las 9:00am a las 12:00pm (en inglés). LAS PRIMERAS DOS SESIONES SON PARA NUEVOS VOLUNTARIOS SOLAMENTE. Las demás sesiones son el sábado 17 de octubre de las 9:00am a las 12:00pm en inglés, sábado 24 de octubre de las 9:00am a las 12:00pm en español y el miércoles 28 de octubre de las 6:00pm a las 9:00pm en español. Pedimos una donación de $6, y las sesiones son limitadas a 50 personas por sesión. Para inscripción por favor vayan a
Attention All Ministries and Volunteers: The schedules for the training sessions for Safe Environment are all over the parish. Here is a summary: Saturday, September 19 from 9:00am to 12:00pm and Saturday September 26 from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Spanish. THE FIRST TWO SESSIONS ARE FOR THE NEW VOLUNTEERS ONLY. The other sessions will be Saturday, October 17 from 9:00am to 12:00pm, Saturday, October 24 from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Spanish, and on Wednesday, October 28 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in Spanish. We are requesting a $6 donation, and the sessions are limited to 50 people per session. To register, please go to
Attention All Ministries and Volunteers: The schedules for the training sessions for Safe Environment are all over the parish. Here is a summary: Saturday, September 19 from 9:00am to 12:00pm and Saturday September 26 from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Spanish. THE FIRST TWO SESSIONS ARE FOR THE NEW VOLUNTEERS ONLY. The other sessions will be Saturday, October 17 from 9:00am to 12:00pm, Saturday, October 24 from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Spanish, and on Wednesday, October 28 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in Spanish. We are requesting a $6 donation, and the sessions are limited to 50 people per session. To register, please go to
Friday, August 14, 2015
Taller de Oración y Vida - Prayer and Life Worshop
Taller de Oración y Vida: En el Salón Guadalupana en el Centro Pablo VI aquí en San Juan Diego comenzando el 18 de agosto de las 10:00am a las 12:00pm para mas información comunicarse con Luz García al 731-1290. Y el 20 de agosto de 6:30pm a 8:30pm, para mas información comunicarse con Araceli González. ¿Y tú ya lo tomaste?
Prayer and Life Workshop: In the Guadalupe Room of the Paul VI Center here in San Juan Diego starting August 18, from 10:00am-12:00pm, for more information contact Luz Garcia at 731-1290. And August 20, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, for more information contact Araceli Gonzalez. Have you taken it?
Prayer and Life Workshop: In the Guadalupe Room of the Paul VI Center here in San Juan Diego starting August 18, from 10:00am-12:00pm, for more information contact Luz Garcia at 731-1290. And August 20, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, for more information contact Araceli Gonzalez. Have you taken it?
Asamblea de Oración - Prayer Assembly
Asamblea de Oración: La Asamblea de Oración estará tomando un pequeño descanso hasta finales de Agosto, en el que regresaran a su horario normal. Gracias por su paciencia y mantengan a todos los miembros en sus oraciones.
Prayer Assembly: The Prayer Assembly will take a short break and will return at the end of August to its normal schedule. Thank you for your patience and please keep the members of the assembly in your prayers. As always, we have it only in Spanish.
Prayer Assembly: The Prayer Assembly will take a short break and will return at the end of August to its normal schedule. Thank you for your patience and please keep the members of the assembly in your prayers. As always, we have it only in Spanish.
Adoración Nocturna - Night Adoration
Adoración Nocturna: Recuerde que cada jueves después de la misa las horas para la adoración nocturna son de las 7:00pm hasta la media noche.
Night Adoration: Remember that each Thursday after mass the hours of the nocturnal veneration are from 7:00pm to midnight.
Night Adoration: Remember that each Thursday after mass the hours of the nocturnal veneration are from 7:00pm to midnight.
Matrimonio - Marriage
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial: Para mas información pueden comunicarse con Carlos y Lidia Aguilar: 317-9702 y 228-5357, Ricardo y Erandi Rodriguez: 241-5015 y 240-7901, Enrique y Judith Amaya: 355-8640 y 355-8639.
World Marriage Encounter: The next weekend for Marriage Encounter in English will be on August 21-23 in Silver City. For more information please contact Mando and Linda Juarez 637-8797.
World Marriage Encounter: The next weekend for Marriage Encounter in English will be on August 21-23 in Silver City. For more information please contact Mando and Linda Juarez 637-8797.
Inscripciones - Registration
Inscripciones: Las inscripciones para los programas de RICA, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, miércoles y jueves de 1-5pm, viernes de 1-4pm, sábado de 9am-1pm y domingo de 9am-12pm, para mas información comuníquese con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa al 855-2680 con el Sr. Luis Macías.
Registration: Registrations for the RCIA program, First Communion and Confirmation will be on Wednesday and Thursday from 1-5pm, Friday from 1-4pm, Saturday 9am-1pm and Sunday from 9am-12pm, for more information please call the Office of Religious Formation at 855-2680 with Mr. Luis Macias.
Registration: Registrations for the RCIA program, First Communion and Confirmation will be on Wednesday and Thursday from 1-5pm, Friday from 1-4pm, Saturday 9am-1pm and Sunday from 9am-12pm, for more information please call the Office of Religious Formation at 855-2680 with Mr. Luis Macias.
Orientación - Orientation Date
Fecha de Orientación: Abra una Junta de Orientación mandataria para los padres el 27 de Agosto a las 7:00pm. Esta es el último mes de inscripción para todos los programas, ya que todas las clases para todos los niveles comenzaran el 8 de Septiembre. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa al 855-2217 y pregunte por el Sr. Luis Macías.
Orientation Date: There will be a mandatory Orientation Meeting for parents on August 27 at 7:00pm. This is the last month to register for all the programs, because all classes for all levels will begin September the 8th. If you have any questions please call the Religious Formation Office at 855-2217 and ask for Mr. Luis Macias.
Orientation Date: There will be a mandatory Orientation Meeting for parents on August 27 at 7:00pm. This is the last month to register for all the programs, because all classes for all levels will begin September the 8th. If you have any questions please call the Religious Formation Office at 855-2217 and ask for Mr. Luis Macias.
Instituto Tepeyac: Para cualquier persona que esta interesada en ser Ministro de Eucaristía o Lector, el Instituto Tepeyac esta ofreciendo las clases para la formación en Septiembre. Las formas de inscripción están en la oficina, por favor pasen si están interesados.
Tepeyac Institute: For any of you who might be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, the Tepeyac Institute is offering the formation classes in September. The registrations forms are in the office, please come by if you are interested.
Tepeyac Institute: For any of you who might be interested in being a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, the Tepeyac Institute is offering the formation classes in September. The registrations forms are in the office, please come by if you are interested.
Voluntarios - Vounteers
Atención a Todos los Ministerios y sus Voluntarios: La Diócesis ha implementado un nuevo sistema de entrenamiento conocido como VIRTUS para los talleres de Ambiente Seguro en el que TODOS los ministerios y sus voluntarios DEBEN PARTICIPAR si gustan seguir sirviendo a la parroquia. Es un requisito para poder ser parte de las actividades de la parroquia el asistir a estos talleres. Se anunciaran fechas de los talleres en un futuro, por el momento se les pide a todos los Dirigentes de Ministerios pasen a la oficina de la parroquia para mas información. Todas las personas en los ministerios, voluntarios y gente que participa en actividades de la parroquia por favor consigan o tengan al corriente un correo electrónico (e-mail address) que va ha ser necesario para poder inscribirse en los talleres. Gracias por su tiempo y cooperación.
Attention All Ministries and Volunteers: The Diocese has implemented a new system of training known as VIRTUS for the Safe Environment workshops in which ALL of the ministries and its volunteers MUST PARTICIPATE if they wish to keep serving the church. It is a requirement in order to be part of the church and all church activities to participate in these workshops. The dates will be announced as time progresses, for the moment we ask that all those who are Ministry Leaders to please come to the office for more information. All the people involved in ministries, volunteers and people that participate in church activities we ask of you to please to create or have a current and working e-mail address that will be necessary to be able to register for the workshops. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Attention All Ministries and Volunteers: The Diocese has implemented a new system of training known as VIRTUS for the Safe Environment workshops in which ALL of the ministries and its volunteers MUST PARTICIPATE if they wish to keep serving the church. It is a requirement in order to be part of the church and all church activities to participate in these workshops. The dates will be announced as time progresses, for the moment we ask that all those who are Ministry Leaders to please come to the office for more information. All the people involved in ministries, volunteers and people that participate in church activities we ask of you to please to create or have a current and working e-mail address that will be necessary to be able to register for the workshops. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Deaf Persons - Personas Sordas
Servicio para personas sordas o que no pueden escuchar bien: ¿Esta usted sordo o no puede escuchar bien? ¿Necesita ayuda encontrando un trabajo a cause de esto? ¿tiene problemas en el trabajo debido a esto? ¿Quiere ir a la universidad pero no pagar debido a esto? ¿Ha sido afectado en cualquier parte de su vida por cause de esto? ¿Su negocio o entidad necesita entrenamiento en Sordo/Sensibilidad al Escuchar? Nosotros somos su PARADA PARA TODAS sus necesidades al ayudar a la gente sorda o que no puede escuchar bien.
Por favor comuníquese con:
Susana Santillan, Deafness Resource Specialist
Volar Center for Independent Living
915-356-3376 Office / 915-249-8939 Cell
Services for people who are Deaf: Are you Deaf or Hard of Hearing? Do you need help finding a job due to your hearing loss? Do you have problems at work due to your hearing loss? Do you want to go to college, but can’t afford the tuition due to this? Have you been affected in any area of your life due to hearing loss? Does your business or entity need education on Deaf/Hard of Hearing Sensitivity Training? We are the ONE STOP SHOP for services that help people who are deaf/hard of hearing!
Please contact:
Susana Santillan, Deafness Resource Specialist
Volar Center for Independent Living
915-356-3376 Office / 915-249-8939 Cell
915-503-1337 VP / Email ALL SERVICES ARE FREE!
Por favor comuníquese con:
Susana Santillan, Deafness Resource Specialist
Volar Center for Independent Living
915-356-3376 Office / 915-249-8939 Cell
Services for people who are Deaf: Are you Deaf or Hard of Hearing? Do you need help finding a job due to your hearing loss? Do you have problems at work due to your hearing loss? Do you want to go to college, but can’t afford the tuition due to this? Have you been affected in any area of your life due to hearing loss? Does your business or entity need education on Deaf/Hard of Hearing Sensitivity Training? We are the ONE STOP SHOP for services that help people who are deaf/hard of hearing!
Please contact:
Susana Santillan, Deafness Resource Specialist
Volar Center for Independent Living
915-356-3376 Office / 915-249-8939 Cell
915-503-1337 VP / Email ALL SERVICES ARE FREE!
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