Saturday, June 20, 2015

¡Felicidades! - Congratulations!

Felicidades: ¡El Padre Fonseca quiere felicitar a todos aquellos estudiantes que se graduaron de la Preparatoria el fin de semana pasado!  Quisiéramos felicitar a los siguientes: de Mountain View High School: Roxanna Montelongo, Alejandra Casas, Martin Pichardo, Ivan Romero, Jesus Solorzano, Jr. y de El Dorado High School: Bianca Montaño, Issac and Jaime Varela y a todos los demás estudiantes que vinieron a la misa del 10 de junio.

Congratulations: Father Fonseca would like to congratulate all of those students who graduated from the High Schools last weekend!  We would like to congratulate the following: From Mountain View High School:  Roxanna Montelongo, Alejandra Casas, Martin Pichardo, Ivan Romero, Jesus Solorzano, Jr. and from El Dorado High School: Bianca Montaño, Issac and Jaime Varela, and all the other Seniors that attended the Mass on June 10.

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