Colecta del Viernes Santo: El Papa Francisco ha pedido a nuestra parroquia apoyo para los cristianos en tierra santa. En estos tiempos tan difíciles en el Medio Oriente, su apoyo significa que nuestra parroquia podrá llevar a cabo el ministerio parroquial, proveer educación católica, alimentar a los hambrientos, desarrollar viviendas para los cristianos, mantener los santuarios y operar centros refugiados en la Tierra Santa. Nuestra parroquia apoyara a los cristianos en Tierra Santa a través de la Colecta Póntica del Viernes Santo. Como Simón de Cirenea, usted puede ayudar a llevar la cruz bajo las circunstancias difíciles de la Tierra Santa
Good Friday Collection: Pope Francis has asked our parish to support Christians in the Holy Land. In this challenging times in the Middle East, your support means that our church will conduct parish ministry, provide Catholic education, feed the hungry, build housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the Holy Land. Our parish will support Christians in the Holy Land through the Good Friday Collection. Like Simon of Cyrene, you can help carry the cross under very difficult circumstances in the Holy Land.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Tienda de San Vicente de Paul - Saint Vincent de Paul Store
Ayúdenos a ayudar a los demás. Las tiendas de San Vicente regalan muebles, ropa y cosas para el hogar a los necesitados de El Paso. En esta temporada de cuaresma por favor consideren en su caridad cuaresmal al donar artículos que se puedan usar para darlos a los pobres. Ahora es el tiempo de ver dentro de su armario, cuarto extra y ático y saber que otras personas estarán muy agradecidas por cosas que usted ya no necesita. Para poder recoger artículos grandes y pesados como refrigeradores o sofás, por favor llamen al 564-4357. También se aceptan donaciones en el 2104 N. Piedras por favor dejen sus donaciones de martes a sábado de las 10:00am a las 6:00pm. Dios los seguirá bendiciendo al compartir sus bendiciones con los mas necesitados, gracias por sus donaciones.
Please Help us Help Others! St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores give away furniture, clothing and household goods to the needy in El Paso. This Lenten season please consider us in your Lenten charity by giving usable items to us for donations to the poor. Now is the time to look in our closets, spare rooms and attics and know that others will be very grateful to receive items that you no longer need. For Pick-up of large or heavy items such as refrigerators or sofas please call Central and East Side - (915) 564-4357. We receive donations at 2104 N. Piedras. Please drop them off Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM. God will continue to bless us as we share our blessings with others. Thank you for your generosity.
Please Help us Help Others! St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores give away furniture, clothing and household goods to the needy in El Paso. This Lenten season please consider us in your Lenten charity by giving usable items to us for donations to the poor. Now is the time to look in our closets, spare rooms and attics and know that others will be very grateful to receive items that you no longer need. For Pick-up of large or heavy items such as refrigerators or sofas please call Central and East Side - (915) 564-4357. We receive donations at 2104 N. Piedras. Please drop them off Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM. God will continue to bless us as we share our blessings with others. Thank you for your generosity.
Gratitud - Gratitude
Estamos muy agradecido por la donación de $1,000 que recibimos la semana pasada. Dios se los pague.
We are very grateful for the $1,000 donation we received last week. May God bless you.
We are very grateful for the $1,000 donation we received last week. May God bless you.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Peregrinación Mariana - Barebones Pilgrimage
Visitaremos Madrid, Ávila, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Fátima, Sintra (Escalera Invertida de Dante), Lisboa, Cádiz, Granada (Tumba de los Reyes Católicos; La Alhambra), Guadix, Valencia, Peñíscola, Barcelona, Lourdes (Gruta de la Virgen), Pirineos (Picos de Europa), Zaragoza (Virgen del Pilar) Cost: $2,590.97 Para más información, hablar con el Padre.
Anyone interested, please talk to Father
Anyone interested, please talk to Father
Misa de Expiación - Mass of Atonement
El Sr. Obispo Seitz celebrara una Misa de Expiación y Esperanza para las victimas de abuso de cualquier tipo, siendo que el abuso ocurrió dentro de la iglesia, en la familia, o sociedad. La misa será el sábado, 19 de marzo a las 10:00am en la catedral de San Patricio, todos están mas que bienvenidos.
Bishop Seitz will celebrate a Mass of Atonement and Hope for the victims of abuse of any kind, whether the abuse occurred within the church, in the family, or society. The mass will be on Saturday, March 19 at 10:00am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and all are invited.
Bishop Seitz will celebrate a Mass of Atonement and Hope for the victims of abuse of any kind, whether the abuse occurred within the church, in the family, or society. The mass will be on Saturday, March 19 at 10:00am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and all are invited.
Agradecimientos - Thank You Note
El Padre Fonseca le gustaría agradecer a todas las personas involucradas con el retiro de padres y padrinos que se llevo a cabo este viernes 4 de marzo, y sábado 5 de marzo. Muchas gracias a todos los contribuyentes, catequistas y coros que hicieron de este retiro de padres y padrinos de los candidatos un evento especial. También al ministerio de San José por ayudar con el estacionamiento, con la ayuda del Sr. Ricardo Muñoz y gracias a los señores Víctor De La Riva, Bernie Muñoz, Luis Guzman y José Álvarez por hacer el trabajo duro. Que Dios los bendiga a todos.
Fr. Fonseca would like to thank all the people involved in the retreat for the parents and sponsors that took place on Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5. Thank you to all who contributed, catechists and choirs that made this retreat for parents and sponsors a special event. Also, the San Jose ministry for patching up the parking lot, with the help of Mr. Ricardo Muñoz and thanks to Mr. Victor De La Riva, Bernie Muñoz, Luis Guzman and Jose Alvarez for all the work. God bless you all.
Fr. Fonseca would like to thank all the people involved in the retreat for the parents and sponsors that took place on Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5. Thank you to all who contributed, catechists and choirs that made this retreat for parents and sponsors a special event. Also, the San Jose ministry for patching up the parking lot, with the help of Mr. Ricardo Muñoz and thanks to Mr. Victor De La Riva, Bernie Muñoz, Luis Guzman and Jose Alvarez for all the work. God bless you all.
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