Nuestro Párroco Rolando Fonseca ha decidido permitir y promulgar Adoración al Sagrado Santísimo Expuesto en la Capilla de San Juan Diego todos los Jueves de cada semana principiando a las 7 pm y terminando a Media noche. Adoración será personal e individual sin requerir formulario o formato de rezos promulgados por ninguna organización o grupo. Se solicitaran voluntarios y voluntarias con regularidad que se inscriban a estar presentes cada Jueves por una hora entera y escogida de las horas de exposición entre las 7:00pm y las 12:00am o de la media noche. El primer jueves en el que esto se llevara a cabo el 12 de marzo.
Our Pastor Father Rolando Fonseca has decided to permit and promulgate the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Exposed in the Chapel in San Juan Diego each Thursday of the week starting at 7pm and finishing at Midnight. The Adoration will be a personal and individual without a formula or a format of prayers promulgated by other organizations or groups. We will need regular volunteers to sign up and to be present each Thursday for an hour of their choosing between the hours of 7:00pm to 12:00am or midnight. The first Thursday this will begin will be on March 12.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Misión Cuaresmal - Lenten Mission
El Padre Juan Antonio Longares estará con nosotros el próximo Lunes, Martes y Miércoles para dar la Misión Cuaresmal. El Jueves junto con el Padre Rolando presidirá el Servicio de Sanación.
El Lunes el tema del día será: “El Dios en el que creemos”
El Martes el tema del día será: “La experiencia negativa de Dios”
El Miércoles el tema del día será: “El amor de Dios y su Consuelo”
Fr. Juan Antonio Longares will be with us from Parral, Mexico to given the Lenten Mission next Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. On Thursday he and Fr. Rolando will lead the Healing Service. Please note that this is a Spanish Mission.
Monday: “The God in Whom we Believe”
Tuesday: “The Negative Experience of God”
Wednesday: “God´s love and his Mercy”
Taller de Ambiente Seguro - Safe Environment Workshop
A todos los dirigentes que tienen miembros que aun no han asistido al taller, la siguiente será en la Parroquia de San Lucas en el 900 E. Redd Rd el 7 de marzo de las 9am-12pm.
To all the chairpersons who have members that have not taken the workshop, the next one will be in St. Luke 900 E. Redd Rd on March 7 from 9am-12pm.
To all the chairpersons who have members that have not taken the workshop, the next one will be in St. Luke 900 E. Redd Rd on March 7 from 9am-12pm.
Horario de Primavera - Spring Schedule
No se les olvide que el próximo domingo 8 de marzo el horario de primavera comienza. Recuerden que la hora se adelanta para que no lleguen tarde a misa.
Do not forget that next Sunday March 8, Daylight Saving Time begins. Remember that you have to forward your clock one hour so you don’t come in late to mass.
Do not forget that next Sunday March 8, Daylight Saving Time begins. Remember that you have to forward your clock one hour so you don’t come in late to mass.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Miércoles de Ceniza - Ash Wednesday
7:00a Mass-Misa Dell City
12:30p Mass-Misa San Juan Diego
4:30p Mass-Misa San Juan Diego Bilingual
6:00p Mass-Misa San Juan Diego
7:30p Mass-Misa San Juan Diego Bilingual
9:00p Mass-Misa San Juan Diego
Confesiones - Confessions
El Padre Fonseca y otros sacerdotes tendrán el Servicio de Reconciliación el martes 17 de marzo comenzando a las 7:00pm aquí en San Juan Diego.
Fr. Fonseca and other priest will have a Reconciliation Service on Tuesday, March 17 starting at 7:00pm here in San Juan Diego.
Fr. Fonseca and other priest will have a Reconciliation Service on Tuesday, March 17 starting at 7:00pm here in San Juan Diego.
Cocina para el Miércoles de Ceniza - Food for Ash Wednesday
La cocina tendrá venta de comida durante ese día comenzando a las 12:00pm. Tendremos en venta de chiles rellenos o torrejas de camarón, con arroz, ensalada, soda y capirotada por $7 el plato. Si gusta reservar su plato por favor pase a la office de la parroquia.
The kitchen will be open and selling food during the day. There will be chiles rellenos or torrejas de camaron, rice, salad and capirotada for $7 the plate. If you would like to reserve your plate please stop by the parish office.
The kitchen will be open and selling food during the day. There will be chiles rellenos or torrejas de camaron, rice, salad and capirotada for $7 the plate. If you would like to reserve your plate please stop by the parish office.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial - World Marriage Encounter
El siguiente fin de semana de Encuentro Matrimonial en español se llevara a cabo el 6,7 y 8 de marzo. Para mas información pueden comunicarse con Carlos y Lidia Aguilar al 317-9702.
The next weekend for Marriage Encounter in English will be on February 27, 28 and March 1st. For more information please contact Mando and Linda Juarez 637-8797.
The next weekend for Marriage Encounter in English will be on February 27, 28 and March 1st. For more information please contact Mando and Linda Juarez 637-8797.
Taller de Ambiente Seguro - Safe Environment Workshop
A todos los dirigentes que tienen miembros que aun no han asistido al taller, si no pudieron asistir el 31 de enero, la siguiente será en la Parroquia Holy Spirit en el 14132 McMahon el 28 de febrero de las 9am-12pm.
To all the chairpersons who have members that have not taken the workshop, if they could not attend on January 31st, the next one will be in Holy Spirit Church 14132 McMahon on February 28 from 9am-12pm
To all the chairpersons who have members that have not taken the workshop, if they could not attend on January 31st, the next one will be in Holy Spirit Church 14132 McMahon on February 28 from 9am-12pm
Cinema Religioso - Religious Cinema
Durante la Cuaresma vamos a pasar 4 vistas religiosas comenzando el próximo Viernes 20 de Febrero en el Salón Pablo VI a las 7:00pm. La entrada es gratis y tendremos a la venta palomitas y bebidas entre otras cosas.
During Lent we will show 4 religious scenes starting this coming Friday, February 20th at 7:00pm at Paul VI Hall. Admission is free and we will have pop corn, beverages and other goodies for sale.
During Lent we will show 4 religious scenes starting this coming Friday, February 20th at 7:00pm at Paul VI Hall. Admission is free and we will have pop corn, beverages and other goodies for sale.
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