Saturday, July 26, 2014

Concilio Parroquial / Parish Council

El próximo martes 29 de Julio a las 7:00pm en la Cocina.  Esta reunión es sólo para los encargados de ministerios.  Tenemos que terminar con la evaluación de los ministerios.  Gracias.

Next Tuesday, July 29th we will gather at the Kitchen.  Keep in mind that this meeting is for ministry coordinators only. We need to wrap up our ministry evaluation. Thank you.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Loving Memory Spaces / Cuadritos de Seres Queridos

Available spaces for the following dates: / Cuadritos disponibles para las siguientes fechas:

Aug 3: 5 spaces/cuadritos
Aug 10: 4 spaces/cuadritos
Aug 17: 26 spaces/cuadritos
Aug 31: 29 spaces/cuadritos

Progress 2014 / Progreso 2014

How can I repay the Lord for all the great good done for me? (Psalm 116:12)

God bless each and every one of you who have so generously responded in support of the 2014 Progress Appeal which supports 17 diocesan ministries including the Youth Ministry, Tepeyac Institute, the Vocation Office and the Permanent Diaconate Ministry.  Our parish goal is $19,106.00.  So far our church has payed 19.47% of the gaol.  If you have heard the call and have not yet responded, please do so today.

Pledge envelopes are located at the back of the church and can be dropped in the collection basked.

¿Cómo podre pagar al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? (Salmo 116,12)

Dios bendiga a todos y cada uno de ustedes que han respondido tan generosamente apoyando a la Campania de Progreso 2014, la cual apoya a los 17 ministerios diocesanos incluyendo el Ministerio Juvenil, el Instituto Tepeyac y el Ministerio de Diaconado Permanente.  La meta de nuestra parroquia es de $19,106.00  y a la fecha nuestra iglesia ha pagado sólo el 19.47% de la meta propuesta. Si usted ha escuchado el llamado y no ha respondido aun, favor de hacerlo hoy mismo.

Los sobres de promesa se localizan al fondo de la Iglesia y se pueden regresar en la canasta de recolección.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Background Check / Verificación de Antecedentes

The deadline to turn in your forms is Thursday, July 24th.  Thank you.

El último día para entregar la Forma es el Jueves 24 de Julio.

Religious Formation / Formación Religiosa

Comenzando en Agosto, la Oficina de Educación religiosa estará abierta de 4:00pm a 7:00pm Martes, Miércoles y Jueves.

Come August, the Office of Religious Formation will be opened from 4:00pm to 7:00pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Friday, July 11, 2014

Vounteers - Voluntarios

Help alleviate the needs of the Central American Families arriving in El Paso
The Diocese of El Paso is collaborating and supporting the

There is opportunity for volunteering on a variety of needed help such as:

·      Setting up and taking down shelter sites
·      Receiving and managing donations
·      Making CARE PACKETS
·      Welcoming and in-taking families
·      Cooking and serving meals
·      Giving out toiletries/other products to families
·      Managing clothing distribution station
·      Making travel arrangements
·      Driving families to bus station or airport
·      Keeping shelter sites clean
·      Other tasks as needed

For volunteering opportunity, please go to: HERNANDEZ volunteer
or call 682-203-6515

Texas Immigrant Relief / Para ayudar a los Refugiados de Centro América

Help alleviate the needs of the Central American Families arriving in El Paso
The Diocese of El Paso is collaborating and supporting the Response COORDINATED by ANNUNCIATION HOUSE

Clothing items that are URGENTLY needed:
  • Bras – sizes 34 & 36B cup (We will take other similar sizes)
  • Training bras (Bras no cup) – size 30.
  • Panties – Small and X-Small
  • Flip flops – all sizes
  • Underwear and Socks – Toddler Boys and Girls
  • Shoes – all sizes, for kids, teens, and women

Cleaning items that are needed as soon as possible:
  • Bleach
  • Pine Sol or another floor cleaning supply

Toiletries items that are needed right now:
  • Towels
  • Sheets
  • Pillows
  • Travel sized toiletries (all toiletries)
For clothing donations, please drop them off at Grace Presbyterian Church at 8001 Magnetic St., El Paso, TX 79924. Call at 915-799-0700 before delivering.

For the other items donation noted above, please drop them off at Annunciation House at 1003 E. San Antonio Ave., El Paso, TX 79901. 915-545-4509.

Second Collection - Segunda Colecta

Tenemos una Segunda Colecta a beneficio de la Diócesis de Choluteca, Honduras.

We have a Second Collection for the benefit of the Diocese of Choluteca, Honduras.

Oren por los Enfermos - Pray for the Sick

Abigail Solís, Armando Cervantes Ruíz, Eduardo Cervantes Ruíz, Elizabeth Solís, Guillermo Mendoza, María Antonia Márquez, María Herrera, Martha Martínez,  Mercedes Dorado, Miguel Esparza, Olivia González, Raúl Solís, Ricardo Vela, Rosy García, Virginia Orozco.

Second Parish Council Meeting - Segunda Reunión del Concilio Parroquial

El próximo martes 15 de Julio a las 7:00pm en la Cocina.  Esta reunión es sólo para los encargados de ministerios.  Gracias.

Next Tuesday, July 15th we will gather at the Kitchen.  Keep in mind that this meeting is for ministry coordinators only.  Thank you.

August Healing Service - Servicio de Sanación de Agosto

El próximo Jueves, 21 de Agosto, a las 7:00 pm tendremos el servicio de sanación en el templo para administrar el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos.  Pueden recibir la unción todos los que estén físicamente  enfermos y también los que tengan aflicciones emocionales.  Todos están invitados.

Next Thursday, August 21st, at 7:00 pm  we will have our healing service here at the church in order to administer the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.  This is not just for those who are physically sick but also for those who are undergoing emotional stress.  All are welcomed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Servicio de Sanación de Julio - July Healing Service

El próximo Jueves, 10 de Julio, tendremos un servicio de sanación en el templo para administrar el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos.  Pueden recibir la unción todos los que estén físicamente  enfermos y también los que tengan aflicciones emocionales.  Todos están invitados.

Next Thursday, July 10th, we will have our healing service here at the church in order to administer the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.  This is not just for those who are physically sick but also for those who are undergoing emotional stress.  All are welcomed.

Junta del Concilio Parroquial - Parish Council Meeting

El próximo martes 8 de Julio a las 7:00pm en la Cocina.  Los esperamos.

Parish Council Meeting: Next Tuesday, July 8th we will gather at the Kitchen.  Thank you.