Muchas gracias a los Ministerios, Ministerio Ornato y Guadalupanas, por todo el esfuerzo que pusieron esta semana pasada para las celebraciones de la Inmaculada Concepción, Fiestas de San Juan Diego y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. A los Coros que participaron con las hermosas melodías, al Ministerio Ornato por la decoraciones y a las Guadalupanas por limpiar y el sabroso pozole que sirvieron el viernes después de la celebración. Muchas gracias por el esfuerzo y sacrificio de sus dones.
Thank you very much to the Ministries, Ornament Ministry and the Guadalupanas for all their efforts this past week in the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception, Feasts of San Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe. To the Choirs that participated for the beautiful melodies, the Ornament Ministry for the decorations and the Guadalupanas for cleaning and the savory pozole they served up on Friday after the celebration. Thank you so much for your efforts and the sacrifice of time and gifts.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Recordatorio - Reminder
La recaudación de juguetes para el beneficio de Moores Childre’s Home continua hasta el 21 de diciembre. Recuerden, si tiene juguetes que sus hijos no utilizan y que estén en buenas condiciones, por favor dónenlos a esta buena causa. O si andan de compras y pueden comprar un juguetito de $5, cualquiera de estos juguetes puede ayudar.
The toy drive for the Moore’s Children’s Home is still going on until December the 21st. Remember, if you have at home toys that are in good condition that your children do not use, please donate them to this good cause. Or if you are out shopping and can buy a $5 dollar toy, any of these can help.
The toy drive for the Moore’s Children’s Home is still going on until December the 21st. Remember, if you have at home toys that are in good condition that your children do not use, please donate them to this good cause. Or if you are out shopping and can buy a $5 dollar toy, any of these can help.
Niño Jesús - Baby Jesus
El Padre Fonseca invita a todas las personas que gusten traer la estatuilla de un Niño Jesús para su pesebre o nacimiento, que lo traigan el próximo domingo para que sea bendecido.
Father Fonseca invites all those who would like to bring a statue of the Baby Jesus for their nativity scene or pesebre, so it can be blessed next Sunday.
Father Fonseca invites all those who would like to bring a statue of the Baby Jesus for their nativity scene or pesebre, so it can be blessed next Sunday.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Inmaculada Concepción - Immaculate Conception
Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción: el lunes 8 de diciembre la misa de la Inmaculada Concepción será a las 6:00pm. Es día de obligación.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception: On Monday December the 8th the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be at 6:00pm. It is a Holy day of Obligation.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception: On Monday December the 8th the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be at 6:00pm. It is a Holy day of Obligation.
Taller de Oración y Vida - Prayer Workshop
Por fin lo que buscabas…Paz, alegría, deseos de vivir, sanar heridas, aprender a orar para aprender a vivir. Talleres de Oración y Vida en el Salón Guadalupana del Edificio Pablo VI en aquí en San Juan Diego comenzando el 15 de enero del 2015, de las 6:30-8:30. Todos están bienvenidos. Para mas información comuníquense con Araceli G. al 999-4123.
Finally found what you were looking for Peace, happiness, will to live, healing wounds, learning to pray to learn how to live. Prayer Workshop in the Guadalupana Room in the Paul VI building here in San Juan Diego starting January 15, 2015 from 6:30-8:30. Everyone is welcomed. For more information please call Araceli G. at 999-4123.
Finally found what you were looking for Peace, happiness, will to live, healing wounds, learning to pray to learn how to live. Prayer Workshop in the Guadalupana Room in the Paul VI building here in San Juan Diego starting January 15, 2015 from 6:30-8:30. Everyone is welcomed. For more information please call Araceli G. at 999-4123.
Agradecimiento - Thank you
Queremos agradecerle al Club Little Texas 4 X 4 por el gran regalo tan generoso de juguetes que nos entregaron este domingo pasado. Este es el 9º año que hacen esto y quisiéramos agradecerle a Angel Paredes, Jose J. Paredes, Juan C. Paredes, Jesus Figueroa, Frank Hernandez, Daniel Ortiz, Jock Jenkins Erika Castañeda y Edgar Jimenez. Ellos quieren agradecer a algunos patrocinadores y clubs, All State’s Art Gonzalez, 4 Play Off Road, C&N Automotive, Solanos Off Road, Off Roader by Nation, Beanerbuilt, Tacos Santa Cecilia, Just Off Road, Bone Collector, Elite Motor Sports y a todos los demás que apoyan a Little Texas 4 X 4. Para mas información, comuníquese con Angel al 502-2834.
We would like to Thank Little Texas 4 X 4 Club for the great and generous gift of toys that they delivered to us this past Sunday. This is the 9th year that they do this and we would like to thank Angel Paredes, Jose J. Paredes, Juan C. Paredes, Jesus Figueroa, Frank Hernandez, Daniel Ortiz, Jock Jenkins Erika Castañeda y Edgar Jimenez. They would like to thank some Clubs and Sponsors All State’s Art Gonzalez, 4 Play Off Road, C&N Automotive, Solanos Off Road, Off Roader by Nation, Beanerbuilt, Tacos Santa Cecilia, Just Off Road, Bone Collector, Elite Motor Sports and to all those that support Little Texas 4 X 4. For more information, call Angel at 502-2834.
We would like to Thank Little Texas 4 X 4 Club for the great and generous gift of toys that they delivered to us this past Sunday. This is the 9th year that they do this and we would like to thank Angel Paredes, Jose J. Paredes, Juan C. Paredes, Jesus Figueroa, Frank Hernandez, Daniel Ortiz, Jock Jenkins Erika Castañeda y Edgar Jimenez. They would like to thank some Clubs and Sponsors All State’s Art Gonzalez, 4 Play Off Road, C&N Automotive, Solanos Off Road, Off Roader by Nation, Beanerbuilt, Tacos Santa Cecilia, Just Off Road, Bone Collector, Elite Motor Sports and to all those that support Little Texas 4 X 4. For more information, call Angel at 502-2834.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Y Gracias También... - And Thank you Also...
Como se anunció en el boletín, la comida celebrando el cumpleaños de el Padre Rolando fue ayer en la tarde. El quiere agradecer a todas las personas que vinieron a su celebración de cumpleaños y por toda la excelente, exquisita y maravillosa comida que trajeron. Si no pudieron asistir, no hay problema, recuerden que el Padre Fonseca cumpleaños el 3 de diciembre.
As it was announced in the bulletin, the Pot Luck dinner for Father Rolando was yesterday in the afternoon. Fr. Rolando would like to thank all the people that came to his celebration and for all the excellent, tasty and amazing food that everyone brought. If you could not make it, do not worry, just remember that Fr. Fonseca’s birthday is on December 3rd.
As it was announced in the bulletin, the Pot Luck dinner for Father Rolando was yesterday in the afternoon. Fr. Rolando would like to thank all the people that came to his celebration and for all the excellent, tasty and amazing food that everyone brought. If you could not make it, do not worry, just remember that Fr. Fonseca’s birthday is on December 3rd.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Horario de Navidad y Año Nuevo - Christmas and New Year´s Schedule
Horario de Oficina para la semana de Navidad
Office Christmas Schedule
Martes/TUE 23 de 1:00pm a 6:30pm
Miércoles/WED 24 de 1:00pm a 6:00pm
Jueves/THU 25 Cerrado / Closed
Viernes/FRI 26 Cerrado /Closed
Sábado/SAT 27 de 9:00am a las 12:00pm
Domingo/SUN 28 Horario regular /Regular Schedule
Horario de Oficina para la semana del Año Nuevo
New Year´s Office Schedule
Martes/TUE 30 de 1:00pm a 6:30pm
Miércoles/WED 31 de 1:00pm a 6:00pm
Jueves/THU 1 Cerrado / Closed
Viernes/FRI 2 Cerrado /Closed
Sábado/SAT 3 de 9:00am a las 12:00pm
Domingo/SUN 4 Horario regular
Lunes/MON 5 Cerrado /Closed
Martes/TUE 6 Cerrado /Closed
Misas de Navidad
Nativity of the Lord
24 de Diciembre a las 8:00pm y a las 11:00pm
25 de Diciembre a las 10:00am bilingüe
Office Christmas Schedule
Martes/TUE 23 de 1:00pm a 6:30pm
Miércoles/WED 24 de 1:00pm a 6:00pm
Jueves/THU 25 Cerrado / Closed
Viernes/FRI 26 Cerrado /Closed
Sábado/SAT 27 de 9:00am a las 12:00pm
Domingo/SUN 28 Horario regular /Regular Schedule
Horario de Oficina para la semana del Año Nuevo
New Year´s Office Schedule
Martes/TUE 30 de 1:00pm a 6:30pm
Miércoles/WED 31 de 1:00pm a 6:00pm
Jueves/THU 1 Cerrado / Closed
Viernes/FRI 2 Cerrado /Closed
Sábado/SAT 3 de 9:00am a las 12:00pm
Domingo/SUN 4 Horario regular
Lunes/MON 5 Cerrado /Closed
Martes/TUE 6 Cerrado /Closed
Misas de Navidad
Nativity of the Lord
24 de Diciembre a las 8:00pm y a las 11:00pm
25 de Diciembre a las 10:00am bilingüe
Caballeros de Colón - Knights of Columbus
Gracias a Julio Romero y a los Caballeros de Colón por donar 25 cenas de pavo para nuestra comunidad. El domingo pasado Julio y los Caballeros de Colón entregaron estas cenas a las familias necesitadas de nuestra comunidad este bello regalo. Muchas gracias a ellos por este esfuerzo tan grande y el sacrificio que hicieron de tiempo y dones.
Thank you to Julio Romero and the Knights of Columbus for donating 25 turkey dinners to our community. This passed Sunday Julio and the Knigts gave to our families who are most in need in the community this wonderful gift. We thank them for their great effort and the sacrifice they made of their tiem and gifts.
Thank you to Julio Romero and the Knights of Columbus for donating 25 turkey dinners to our community. This passed Sunday Julio and the Knigts gave to our families who are most in need in the community this wonderful gift. We thank them for their great effort and the sacrifice they made of their tiem and gifts.
Gracias - Thank you
De nuevo quisiéramos agradecerle al Sr. Fred Beck y al USMCR 19 Riffle Company por habernos donado 12 pavos para familias necesitadas aquí en San Juan Diego. El Sr. Beck y su organización ha estado haciendo esto desde hace 3 años o mas, aquí en la comunidad. Le agradecemos el maravilloso regalo.
Again, we would love to thank Mr. Fred Beck and the USMCR 19th Riffle Company for donating 12 turkeys to the families in need here in San Juan Diego. Mr. Beck and his organization have been doing this in the las 3 years. We appreciate such marvelous gift.
Again, we would love to thank Mr. Fred Beck and the USMCR 19th Riffle Company for donating 12 turkeys to the families in need here in San Juan Diego. Mr. Beck and his organization have been doing this in the las 3 years. We appreciate such marvelous gift.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Cumpleaños del Padre Rolando - Fr. Rolando's Birthday
El Padre quisiera celebrar su cumpleaños con una comida (Pot Luck) el Sábado 29 de Noviembre a las 7:30pm cuando regrese de Dell City. Todos están invitados.
Father would like to celebrate his birthday with a Pot Luck dinner on Saturday, November 29th at 7:30pm right after he gets back from Dell City. All are welcomed.
Father would like to celebrate his birthday with a Pot Luck dinner on Saturday, November 29th at 7:30pm right after he gets back from Dell City. All are welcomed.
Misa en la frontera - Border Mass
Esta mañana en Anapra celebramos la misa por el descanso de las almas de todos los que han muerto tratando de cruzar la frontera con EEUU.
This morning we celebrated the Eucharist to pray for all people who have lost their lives trying to cross the border.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Servicio de Sanación - Healing Service
El próximo Servicio de Sanación tendrá lugar el próximo Miércoles 10 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm. Todos están invitados.
Next Healing Service will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcomed.
Next Healing Service will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcomed.
Misa para los Graduandos - Mass for Graduates
El Obispo Mark J. Seitz celebrará una Misa de Graduación para los estudiantes de UTEP que se estarán graduando en el otoño. La misa será el 14 de diciembre, 2014 a las 3pm en la catedral de San Patricio. A todos los graduados y sus familiares y amigos están invitados a asistir a Misa. Una pequeña recepción seguirá en el gimnasio de multiuso de la catedral. Por favor RSVP con el Ministerio de Campo Católico al 838-0300 o
Bishop Mark J. Seitz will be celebrating a Graduation Mass for all UTEP students who will be graduating this fall. The Mass will be on December 14, 2014 at 3 p.m., at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. All graduating students, their families, and friends are invited to attend the Mass. A light reception will follow in cathedral multipurpose gymnasium. Please RSVP with Catholic Campus Ministry at 838-0300 or
Bishop Mark J. Seitz will be celebrating a Graduation Mass for all UTEP students who will be graduating this fall. The Mass will be on December 14, 2014 at 3 p.m., at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. All graduating students, their families, and friends are invited to attend the Mass. A light reception will follow in cathedral multipurpose gymnasium. Please RSVP with Catholic Campus Ministry at 838-0300 or
Segunda Colecta - Second - Collection
Para la Campaña del Desarrollo Humano
For the benefit of the Campaign for Human Development.
For the benefit of the Campaign for Human Development.
Encuentro con los sacerdotes de Júarez - Gathering with the Priests from Juarez
Hoy nos reunimos con los sacerdotes de Ciudad Juárez en la Iglesia de San Antonio de Padua. Fue un encuentro muy hermoso y la primera vez que nos juntamos las dos diócesis.
Today we gathered with the priests from Ciudad Juarez at San Antonio Church. It was a wonderful gathering and the first time that both dioceses got together.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Saludos desde la Oficina - Greetings from the Office
Omar y Mario los saludan desde la oficina parroquial. Aquí están esperándolos para ayudarlos en lo que se pueda.
Here you have them: Omar and Mario - waiting for you at your beck and call for whatever need you might have.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Enroll El Paso - Obamacare
Los Navegadores del Obamacare vendrán el 18 y 19. de noviembre de la 1:00pm a las 8:30pm. Para aquellos que no se han escrito para obtener seguro de salud, o aquellos que ya tienen y deben hacer cambios en su poliza por que cambio el estado de ingreso o estado de empleo pueden venir aquí a que se les ayude con hacer los cambios.
The Navigators for the Obamacare program will be here on November 18 and 19 from 1:00 to 8:30pm. For all those who have not signed up will now be able to do so, or for those who have it and have to make changes due to a change in income or change in employment can come here and can be help in reporting those changes.
The Navigators for the Obamacare program will be here on November 18 and 19 from 1:00 to 8:30pm. For all those who have not signed up will now be able to do so, or for those who have it and have to make changes due to a change in income or change in employment can come here and can be help in reporting those changes.
Altares - All Souls left overs
A todas las personas y estudiantes que trajeron sus altares, por favor, en esta semana pase a recoger sus cosas y fotos antes del 22 de noviembre del 2014. Después de esa fecha la iglesia no se hará responsable de las fotos o contenido. Muchas gracias a todos los que trajeron sus altares y a nuestros niños y jóvenes del programa de educación religiosa. Esperamos estos hermosos altares de nuevo el año que entra.
To all the people program students that brought their altares, please, this week come and pick up your pictures and altares before November 22, 2014. After that date the church will no longer be responsible of the photos or content. Thank you to everyone who brought their altares and to your children and teens from the religious education program. We look forward to seeing these beautiful altares next year.
To all the people program students that brought their altares, please, this week come and pick up your pictures and altares before November 22, 2014. After that date the church will no longer be responsible of the photos or content. Thank you to everyone who brought their altares and to your children and teens from the religious education program. We look forward to seeing these beautiful altares next year.
Tarde de Reflexión - Evening of Reflection
An Advent Evening of Reflection will be held on Sunday, November 30, 2014 for single Catholic women ages 40-55 who would like to know more about religious life today. Sisters from various congregations in the Diocese will be there to share prayer and their vocation experience with you. This event will be held at the home of the School Sisters of St. Francis, 465 Gallagher Street (across from Santa Lucia Parish), from 6-8:30 pm. Refreshments will be served and there is no charge to attend. Please call Sr. Isabel Fierro at 872-8407 to reserve a place by Wednesday, November 26, 2014. The Diocesan Committee for Religious Vocations is sponsoring this evening of reflection.
Una tarde de Reflexión de Adviento se llevara a cabo el domingo 30 de noviembre de 2014 para mujeres solteras Católicas de 40 a 55 años de edad, que quisieran conocer mejor la vida religiosa contemporánea. Religiosas de varias congregaciones estarán presentes para compartir oración y sus experiencias de vida religiosa. Este evento tendrá lugar en la casa de las Hermanas Franciscanas, en la calle Gallagher 465 (ubicada frente a la parroquia de Santa Lucia), de 6 a 8:30 PM. Se servirán refrescos; no hay costo alguno para asistir. Favor de llamar a la Hna. Isabel Fierro, teléfono 872-8407 para reservar su lugar a más tardar hasta el 26 de noviembre de 2014. El Comité Diocesano de Vocaciones Religiosas auspiciara esta tarde de reflexión.
Una tarde de Reflexión de Adviento se llevara a cabo el domingo 30 de noviembre de 2014 para mujeres solteras Católicas de 40 a 55 años de edad, que quisieran conocer mejor la vida religiosa contemporánea. Religiosas de varias congregaciones estarán presentes para compartir oración y sus experiencias de vida religiosa. Este evento tendrá lugar en la casa de las Hermanas Franciscanas, en la calle Gallagher 465 (ubicada frente a la parroquia de Santa Lucia), de 6 a 8:30 PM. Se servirán refrescos; no hay costo alguno para asistir. Favor de llamar a la Hna. Isabel Fierro, teléfono 872-8407 para reservar su lugar a más tardar hasta el 26 de noviembre de 2014. El Comité Diocesano de Vocaciones Religiosas auspiciara esta tarde de reflexión.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Derechos Humanos - Human Rights
Te invita a una junta para conocer tus derechos los Miércoles de 12:00pm a 2:00pm en el Centro de Derechos Humanos (3671 Fawn Drive en Montana Vista).
Meets every Wednesday from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the Center for Human Rights (3671 Fawn Drive en Montana Vista).
Meets every Wednesday from 12:00pm to 2:00pm at the Center for Human Rights (3671 Fawn Drive en Montana Vista).
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Servicio de Sanación - Healing Service
El próximo servicio de sanación es el Miércoles 18 de Noviembre a las 7:00pm.
The following Healing Service will take place on Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00pm.
The following Healing Service will take place on Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00pm.
Horario de la Semana del Día de Acción de Gracias - Thanksgiving Day Week Schedule
Recordar que la Oficina va a cerrar los días 27 y 28 de Noviembre. A todos los ministerios se les pide ajustar su horario de juntas de acuerdo a este horario.
From 1:00pm to 6:30pm
Please remember that the Office will be closed on the 27th and the 28th of November. We ask all ministries to adjust their meetings according to this schedule.
From 1:00pm to 6:30pm
Please remember that the Office will be closed on the 27th and the 28th of November. We ask all ministries to adjust their meetings according to this schedule.
Semana del Día de Acción de Gracias - Thanksgiving Day Week
Tendremos sólo dos servicios de comunión el día Martes 25 y Miércoles 26 de Noviembre a las 6:00pm. La Iglesia va a estar cerrada los días 27 y 28 de Noviembre. El Sábado 29 regresamos al horario normal.
We will have two communion services on Tuesday, November 25th and Wednesday, November 26th at 6:00pm. The Church will be closed on the 27th and the 28th. Saturday we return to the regular schedule.
We will have two communion services on Tuesday, November 25th and Wednesday, November 26th at 6:00pm. The Church will be closed on the 27th and the 28th. Saturday we return to the regular schedule.
Padres y Catequistas - Parent Cathechist Meeting
Las Clases tendrán lugar la semana del 17 al 23 de Noviembre en los salones.
Will take place during the week of November 17 through the 23rd in the classrooms.
Will take place during the week of November 17 through the 23rd in the classrooms.
Junta del Concilo Pastoral - Pastoral Council Meeting
Tendrá lugar el Miércoles 19 de Noviembre a las 7:00pm en la Cocina.
Will take place on Wednesday, November 19th at 7:00pm at the Kitchen.
Will take place on Wednesday, November 19th at 7:00pm at the Kitchen.
Agradecimiento - Acknoledgement
Queremos agradecer al USMCR 19th Rifle Company por habernos donado 10 pavos. Que Dios los bendiga.
We would like to thank the USMCR 19th Rigle Company for the donation of 10 turkey Dinners. May God bless them.
We would like to thank the USMCR 19th Rigle Company for the donation of 10 turkey Dinners. May God bless them.
Segunda Colecta - Second Collection
Tendremos una colecta para ayudar en la lucha contra el virus del Ebola.
We will have a second collection to help the victims of the Ebola virus.
We will have a second collection to help the victims of the Ebola virus.
Día de los Muertos - All Souls
Tuvimos una celebración muy especial para el Día de los Muertos - recordamos el poder de la resurrección de Cristo que vence a la muerte y por lo tanto, los muertos están más vivos que nosotros, que estamos medio muertos ya por el pecado.
We had a special celebration for All Souls - we dwell on the fact that Christ conquered death for us and therefore the dead are more alive than we are - actually we are half dead because of sin.
Confirmación en Costa Rica - Confirmation in Costa Rica
Este es el sobrino del padre que fue confirmado en Costa Rica. El padre fue el padrino.
This is Father´s nephew who got confirmed in Costa Rica. Father was the sponsor.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Película "María de Nazareth" - Movie "Mary of Nazareth"
Película “María de Nazareth” con subtítulos el día 6 de Noviembre a las 7:00pm en Bassett Place Premiere Cinema. Los boletos están a $10 y se consiguen en Holy Spirit Bookstore, Madonna Shop y Misión de Guadalupe Store.
Movie “Mary of Nazareth” will be showing on November 6th at 7:00pm at Bassett Place Premiere Cinema. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Holy Spirit Bookstore, Madonna Shop y Misión de Guadalupe Store
Ministerio de San José - St. Joseph Ministry
Junta en la capilla después de la misa el día Martes 4 de Noviembre.
Meeting next Tuesday, November 4th at the Chapel after Mass.
Meeting next Tuesday, November 4th at the Chapel after Mass.
Junta de Catequistas - Catechist Meeting
El próximo Martes 4 de Noviembre a las 6:00pm en la Cocina.
Next Tuesday November 4th at 6:00pm at the Kitchen
Next Tuesday November 4th at 6:00pm at the Kitchen
Safe Environment Classes - Ambiente Seguro
Saturday, November 8th at Our Lady of the Valley [8600 Winchester] in English from 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Retiro Vocacional Franciscano - Franciscan Vocational Retreat
Los Franciscanos Conventuales están organizando un retiro vocacional para hombres de 18 a 40 años en el centro de Retiros de Holy Cross en Mesilla, NM.
Aprovecha para concer a toros hermanos y sacerdotes Franciscanos y también para hablar con algunos estudiantes en formación (seminaristas) y experimentar cómo es nuestra vida. Dedica un poco de tiempo a la oración y la fraternidad y aprende de esta experiencia.
El retiro ofrece una experiencia de oración y de vida franciscana. El retiro comienza el Viernes 24 de Octubre a las 7:00pm y termina el Domingo 26 de Octubre a mediodía. Además ¡es gratis! Para mayor información comunicarse con Fray Andy Martínez al 575-652-3603. También pueden escribir: {}
The Conventual Franciscans are offering a Vocation Retreat October 24-26 for single men 18-40 years old at the Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM.
Meet Franciscan brothers and priests, talk to some o our students in formation (seminary) and see first hand what our life is like. Spend some quiet time in prayer and fraternity and see what it has to teach.
The retreat provides an opportunity for reflection and to learn about Franciscan life. The weekend begins Friday, October 24 at 7:00pm and ends Sunday, October 26 by noon. There is no cost!
For more information please contact Friar Andy Martínez, OFM Conv. 575-652-360.{}
Aprovecha para concer a toros hermanos y sacerdotes Franciscanos y también para hablar con algunos estudiantes en formación (seminaristas) y experimentar cómo es nuestra vida. Dedica un poco de tiempo a la oración y la fraternidad y aprende de esta experiencia.
El retiro ofrece una experiencia de oración y de vida franciscana. El retiro comienza el Viernes 24 de Octubre a las 7:00pm y termina el Domingo 26 de Octubre a mediodía. Además ¡es gratis! Para mayor información comunicarse con Fray Andy Martínez al 575-652-3603. También pueden escribir: {}
The Conventual Franciscans are offering a Vocation Retreat October 24-26 for single men 18-40 years old at the Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM.
Meet Franciscan brothers and priests, talk to some o our students in formation (seminary) and see first hand what our life is like. Spend some quiet time in prayer and fraternity and see what it has to teach.
The retreat provides an opportunity for reflection and to learn about Franciscan life. The weekend begins Friday, October 24 at 7:00pm and ends Sunday, October 26 by noon. There is no cost!
For more information please contact Friar Andy Martínez, OFM Conv. 575-652-360.{}
Fieles Difuntos - All Souls
Con motivo del Día de los Fieles Difuntos, vamos a tener una celebración eucarística el día Sábado, 1º de Noviembre a las 9:00pm. Antes de la misa tendremos una Hora Santa a las 8:00pm con un rosario bilingüe para el sufragio de las benditas almas del purgatorio. Todos están invitados. El Domingo 26 de Octubre vamos a distribuir los sobres para la misa de los difuntos para recoger las intenciones y las ofrendas que gusten ofrecer.
For the commemoration of All Souls we are planning to have an Eucharist dedicated to the faithful departed on Saturday, November 1st at 9:00pm. Before the Eucharist, we will have a especial Holy Hour starting at 8:00pm which will include a bilingual rosary for the relief of souls in purgatory. All are welcomed. On Sunday, October 26th we will distribute envelops for mass intentions and offerings for this occasion.
For the commemoration of All Souls we are planning to have an Eucharist dedicated to the faithful departed on Saturday, November 1st at 9:00pm. Before the Eucharist, we will have a especial Holy Hour starting at 8:00pm which will include a bilingual rosary for the relief of souls in purgatory. All are welcomed. On Sunday, October 26th we will distribute envelops for mass intentions and offerings for this occasion.
Día de Todos los Santos - All Saints
Con motivo de la Fiesta de Todos los Santos, tendremos una Misa anticiapada el día Viernes 31 de Octubre a las 6:00pm. Todos están invitados.
To commemorate all Saints we will have a mass at 6:00pm on Friday, October 31st. All are welcomed.
To commemorate all Saints we will have a mass at 6:00pm on Friday, October 31st. All are welcomed.
Rosario en Defensa de la Vida - Rosary for Life
Domingo 26 de Octubre a las 3:00pm dirigido por las Guadalupanas. Todos cordialmente invitados.
The Rosary for Life will take place on Sunday, October 26th at 3:00pm and will be led by the Guadalupanas.
The Rosary for Life will take place on Sunday, October 26th at 3:00pm and will be led by the Guadalupanas.
Servicios de Comunión - Communion Services
El Padre estará de retiro espiritual con los sacerdotes de la diócesis la próxima semana y luego estará en Costa Rica para la confirmación de su sobrino. Para el fin de semana el diácono Ignacio Torres ofrecerá servicios de comunión. Durante la semana también tendremos servicios de comunión. El Padre regresará el día Jueves 30 de Octubre Dios mediante.
Father Rolando will be away next week for a retreat with the priests of the diocese. Likewise we will be in Costa Rica the following week to assist to his nephew´s Confirmation. Father will be back on Thursday, October 30th. In the meantime, Deacon Ignacio Torres will be with us to celebrate communion services while Father is away. During the week, we will also have communion services until Father returns, God willing.
Father Rolando will be away next week for a retreat with the priests of the diocese. Likewise we will be in Costa Rica the following week to assist to his nephew´s Confirmation. Father will be back on Thursday, October 30th. In the meantime, Deacon Ignacio Torres will be with us to celebrate communion services while Father is away. During the week, we will also have communion services until Father returns, God willing.
Proyecto Vida - Project Vida
Estará ofreciendo información de sus servicios este domingo 19 de Octubre después de todas las misas.
They will be here on Sunday October 19th to offer information about their programs after all masses.
They will be here on Sunday October 19th to offer information about their programs after all masses.
Exámen del Colon - Colon Cancer
El día Domingo 9 de Noviembre el grupo de Accion de Texas Tech estará ofreciendo información gratis sobre la prevención del cancer del colon (colonoscopías) después de cada misa.
On Sunday November 9th Texas Tech Action will be here to offer free information about Colon Cancer prevention after all masses.
On Sunday November 9th Texas Tech Action will be here to offer free information about Colon Cancer prevention after all masses.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Clases de Teología - Theology Classes
El Padre Rolando tiene la clase de Teología Moral en Tepeyac los Jueves de 7pm a 9pm. La clase está dividida en cinco grupos.
Fr. Rolando teaches Moral Theology at Tepeyac every Thursday from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The class is divided into five groups.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Informe de los Ministerios / Ministry Report
Pedimos a los líderes de los ministerios que lleven el informe de la Feria de Ministerios a la oficina cuanto antes. Gracias.
We would like to remind all ministry leaders to bring their report to the office regarding the Ministry Fair. Thank You.
We would like to remind all ministry leaders to bring their report to the office regarding the Ministry Fair. Thank You.
Junta de Padres y Padrinos - Parents and Godparents Meeting
El próximo Jueves 23 de Octubre habrá una junta para Padres y Padrinos de los candidatos de confirmación a las 6:30pm en el Templo en Español y en Inglés en el cuarto Carmelita Díaz.
We will have a meeting next Thursday, October 23rd at 6:00pm at the church in Spànish and at the Carmelita Díaz Classroom in English.
We will have a meeting next Thursday, October 23rd at 6:00pm at the church in Spànish and at the Carmelita Díaz Classroom in English.
Agradecimiento - Acknowledgment
Queremos agradecer a Marlene Arellanes por su tiempo, dedicación y esfuerzo estos años que ha estado al frente de la secretaría de educación religiosa y al mismo tiempo le damos la bienvenida al Señor Luis Macías.
We would like to express our gratitude to Marlenes Arellanes for her love and dedication to the religious education office. At the same time we would like to welcome Mr. Luis Macías as the new coordinator.
We would like to express our gratitude to Marlenes Arellanes for her love and dedication to the religious education office. At the same time we would like to welcome Mr. Luis Macías as the new coordinator.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
Retiro de Servidores - Retreat for Servers
Se convoca a todos los servidores a un pequeño retiro el próximo Sábado 11 de Octubre de 8:00am a 2:00pm en el Salón Pablo VI.
Retreat for Servers: All servers who will participate in the Evangelization Retreat are asked to come this Saturday from 8:00am to 2:00pm for a day of reflection at the Paul VI Center.
Retreat for Servers: All servers who will participate in the Evangelization Retreat are asked to come this Saturday from 8:00am to 2:00pm for a day of reflection at the Paul VI Center.
Segunda Colecta - Second Collection
Para el Fondo de Retiro de los Sacerdotes
For the Priest Retirement Fund.
For the Priest Retirement Fund.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
En la Conferencia - In the Conference
El Arzobispo de Los Ángeles hablando sobre la alegría del sacerdocio.
The L.A. Archbishop talking about the joy of being a priest.
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