Saturday, November 5, 2016
Servicio de Sanación - Healing Service
Healing Service: Will take place on Tuesday, November 8th at 7:30pm. All are welcomed.
Taller de Ambiente Seguro - Safe Environment Training
Ambiente Seguro: Clase de Ambiente Seguro el 15 de noviembre en Inglés comenzando a las 6:00pm, por favor inscríbase en, 24 horas antes de la clase. Y la renovación para todos aquellos que han tomado las clases en Septiembre, Octubre y Noviembre 2015, será el 10 de Diciembre a las 11:00am. Es muy importante el renovar, por favor pasen a la oficina principal para revisar cuando es que deben de hacerlo.
Safe Environment: There will be a Safe Environment Class on November 15 in English starting at 6:00pm, please register at, 24 hours before the class. And to renew to all those who have taken the class in September, October and November 2015, will be on December 10 at 11:00am. It is very important to renew, please come in to the main office and check when you have to renew.
Safe Environment: There will be a Safe Environment Class on November 15 in English starting at 6:00pm, please register at, 24 hours before the class. And to renew to all those who have taken the class in September, October and November 2015, will be on December 10 at 11:00am. It is very important to renew, please come in to the main office and check when you have to renew.
Enfermos - Sick
Abigail Solís, Albina Campa, Aldo Montes, Alondra de la Cruz, Angelina Gallegos, Alfonso Cano, Armando Cervantes Ruíz, Artenio González, Astrid Gil, Beth Rohr, Bertha Fuentes, Blanca Alemán, Brissa Ortíz, Carmen Acosta, Chimere Cavil, Daniela de la Cruz, Daniela Noemi Ramírez, David López, David Torres Jr, Delia Morales, Diego Piñón, Eduardo Cervantes Ruíz, Edgar Amador, Elizabeth Solís, Elsa Flores, Elvira Alfaro, Emma Gómez, Enrique González, Erik Amador, Felicita Pérez, Francisco González, Francisco González Jr., Francisco “Paquito” Navarrete, Giovanni Vásquez, Grace Rodríguez, Guillermina Rivas, Guillermo Mendoza, Hector Quintero Flores, Heriberto Gómez, Hermila Navarrete, Hipólito Quintero, Ignacio Rentería, Inés Serrano, Irene Nakay, Irma Fuentes, Isaac Alvidrez, Isidro Durán, Iván de Santiago, Jaden Meléndez, Jesús María Triana, Joe Bautista Prieto, Jorge A. Miranda, José Alberto Alcocer, José Manuel Acevedo, José Muñoz, José López, José Roberto García, José Rubén Martínez, Josefina Escobar, Josefina Muñoz, Kaytie Purdom, Kika Vega, Chávez, Lidia Lannon, Loren Gómez, Lucila Ortíz, Lorena Meza, Lorenzo Jiménez, Manuel Chávez, Manuela Domínguez, Marcie T. Beckham, María Antonia Márquez, María Eva Corral, María Hinojosa,, María Jesús Gil, María Herrera, María Hinojosa, Mario Hernández, Martha Martínez, Martha Valdéz, Martina Cano Salazar, Mary Vásquez, Melisa Salinas, Mercedes Dorado, Merced Miranda, Mía Vásquez, Mychael Oscar Reyna, Miguel Durán, Miguel Esparza, Miguel Morelos, Nadia Arely Valdéz, Nancy Aguilera, Nathan Muñiz, Natividad Cano Jr., Natividad Cano, Norma Fabela, Olivia González, Rafael Rentería Segovia, Rafael Rossini, Ramona González, Raúl Flores, Raúl Solís, Ricardo Vásquez, Rick Madrid, Ricardo Vela, Roberto Blanco, Rosalía Arámbula, Rosalyn Gómez, Rosy García, Roxana Galarza, Salvardor Rojas, Suky Castillo Ramos, Tammy Olivas, Teresa Márquez, Teresa Ortega, Vicente Rivas, Victoria Ávila, Virginia Orozco, Yolanda Rentería.
Recaudación de Fondos - Religious Education Fundraiser
Recaudación de Fondos del Educación Religiosa: Queridos padres, sus hijos puede que estén involucrados en recaudar fondos aquí después de las misas dominicanas. Continuaremos recaudando fondos en los siguientes dos domingos. Hay un costo de $25.00 por estudiante/candidato para asistir a la Southwestern Youth Conference que servirá como el retiro de este año para todos los que están inscritos en las clases de inglés. Su hijo traerá consigo información del retiro, horario, fechas y el lugar del evento. Necesitamos ayuda. Si esta dispuesto a ayudar a cuidar a los jóvenes en este evento de 3 dias, del 18, 19 y 20 de noviembre, por favor comuníquese con el Sr. Dorosin en la parroquia. NO SE LE OLVIDE, No habrá clases del 21 de noviembre hasta el 28. Clase comenzara de nuevo el martes 29 de noviembre.
Religious Education Fundraiser: Dear parents, your child may be involved in the fundraising here after Sunday Masses. We will continue raising funds for the next two Sundays. There is a $25.00 per candidate/catechumen fee to attend the Southwestern Youth Conference that will serve as this year's retreat for those enrolled in our English speaking classes. Your child will be bringing home information about the retreat schedule, dates, and place. We need Chaperones. If you are willing to act as a chaperone for this blessed three-day event on November 18, 19 and 20, please contact Mr. Dorosin at the church. DON'T FORGET, there will be no class the week of November 21st to the 28th. Class will resume on Tuesday the 29th
Religious Education Fundraiser: Dear parents, your child may be involved in the fundraising here after Sunday Masses. We will continue raising funds for the next two Sundays. There is a $25.00 per candidate/catechumen fee to attend the Southwestern Youth Conference that will serve as this year's retreat for those enrolled in our English speaking classes. Your child will be bringing home information about the retreat schedule, dates, and place. We need Chaperones. If you are willing to act as a chaperone for this blessed three-day event on November 18, 19 and 20, please contact Mr. Dorosin at the church. DON'T FORGET, there will be no class the week of November 21st to the 28th. Class will resume on Tuesday the 29th
Día de los Muertos - Faithful Departed
Gracias a todos los catequistas y candidatos que participaron en hacer los altarcitos en las cajitas para el Día de los Muertos. Están hermosamente expuestos en el vestíbulo de la parroquia. Por favor pasen por los altares y fotos antes del 19 de noviembre, si gustan quedarse con sus altares y fotos.
Thank you to all catechists and candidates who participated in making shoebox altars for Day of the Dead. They are beautifully displayed in our church's vestibule. Please pick your altars and pictures before November 19, if you want to keep your altars and pictures.
Thank you to all catechists and candidates who participated in making shoebox altars for Day of the Dead. They are beautifully displayed in our church's vestibule. Please pick your altars and pictures before November 19, if you want to keep your altars and pictures.
Educación Religiosa - Religious Formation
Educación Religiosa: Los jóvenes inscrito en nuestro Programa de Educación Religiosa estarán recaudando fondos para pagar por su asistencia a la conferencia de Southwest Youth Conference. Por favor pasen después de misa hoy, donde nuestros jóvenes estarán vendiendo nachos, hot dogs, hot cheetos con queso, sodas y mucho mas. Su apoyo es apreciado profundamente. Gracias a todos los catequistas y candidatos que participan.
Religious Education: Youth enrolled in our Religious Education Program will be raising funds to pay for their attendance at this year's Southwest Youth Conference. Please join us after mass today, where our youth will be selling delicious nachos, hot dogs, hot Cheetos with cheese, sodas, and more. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you to all the catechists and candidates participating in this fundraiser. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Semana Vocacional - Vocation Awareness Week
National Vocation Awareness Week will be celebrated in our country November 6-12, 2016. Please ask Our Lord for more dedicated, holy priests, deacons and consecrated men and women. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God's gift of a vocation. In anticipation of National Vocation Awareness Week, we invite all Catholic young single men to attend an Evening of Discernment at Saint Patrick Cathedral with Fr. Mariano Lopez on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 6pm. We will have prayer, reflection and a spirit of listening to God's will in our lives. Please call the vocation office of the diocese if you have further questions (915) 872-8403.
Reunión de Catequistas - Catechist Meeting
Junta Mandataria a los
Catequistas: Habrá un junta mandataria para todos los catequistas el 8 de
noviembre a las 7:30pm en la cocina.
Mandatory Meeting of the
Catechists: There is a mandatory meeting
for all catechists this November 8th at 7:30pm in the kitchen.
Fundación - Foundation
La Fundación: para la Diócesis de El Paso los invita cordialmente al seminario de Planeación para el Fin de la Vida: Fiel Corresponsabilidad de los Dones de Dios el Jueves, 10 de noviembre, 2016 en el Salón de Eventos de Nuestra Sra. De Monte Carmelo de 6-8pm refrigerios y la inscripción desde las 5-6pm. Invitado especial: Obispo Mark Seitz. Para reservar o para mas información, por favor comuníquese con la Fundación al 915-872-8412 o ¡Los animamos a asistir! El seminario es GRATIS y todos están bienvenidos.
The Foundation: for the Diocese of El Paso cordially invites you to a Planning for the End of Life: Faithful Stewards of God's Gifts seminar on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Hall from 6-8 p.m. Refreshments and registration is from 5-6 p.m. Special Guest: Bishop Mark Seitz. To RSVP or for more information, please contact the Foundation at 915-872-8412 or We encourage you to attend! The seminar is FREE and all are welcome.
The Foundation: for the Diocese of El Paso cordially invites you to a Planning for the End of Life: Faithful Stewards of God's Gifts seminar on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Hall from 6-8 p.m. Refreshments and registration is from 5-6 p.m. Special Guest: Bishop Mark Seitz. To RSVP or for more information, please contact the Foundation at 915-872-8412 or We encourage you to attend! The seminar is FREE and all are welcome.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Formación para Ministros - Formation for Ministers
Formación para Ministros: Christus dará el tema titulado “Servicio y Espiritualiad” para todos los ministros de Eucaristía y Lectores el día Viernes, 17 de Junio, después de la misa en la Cocina. Se ruega a los ministros que asistan a esta charla.
Christus will be giving a talk about “Spirituality and Service” in Spanish for Ministers of Communion and Lectors next Friday, June 17th at the Kitchen after Mass. Ministers are asked to attend.
Nuevos Servidores del Altar: Este fin de semana estaremos recogiendo nombres de nuevos servidores del altar. Ellos recibirán formación el Sábado 18 de 9:00pm a 12:00pm con snack incluído. Se pide la asistencia de los Padres de Familia
New Altar Servers: This weekend we are doing registration for new altar servers. Those who register are asked to come on Saturday, June 18th from 9:00pm to 12:00pm for training along with their parents/guardians. A snack will be included
Felicidades a los Confirmandos - Congratulations to the Confirmandi
Felicidades: El Padre Fonseca quiere felicitar a todos los jóvenes y jovencitas que se confirmaron el miércoles pasado aquí en San Juan Diego. El Sr. Obispo estuvo presente para dar el sacramento de Confirmación a los candidatos en una hermosa ceremonia. Les deseamos muchas bendiciones en este comienzo de su nueva jornada como miembros confirmados de la Iglesia Católica y esperamos verlos aquí en misa los domingos.
Congratulations: Father Fonseca wants to congratulate all the young men and ladies that were confirmed this past Wednesday here in San Juan Diego. Bishop Seitz was present to give the sacrament of Confirmation to the candidates in a wonderful ceremony. We wish you many blessings in the beginning of this new journey as newly confirmed members of the Catholic Church and we will see you here in mass on Sundays.
Aniversario Sacerdotal - Priesthood Ordination Anniversary
Aniversario Sacerdotal: El Padre Rolando quisiera celebrar su aniversario de ordenación sacerdotal el próximo Lunes 13 de Junio con una misa de acción de gracias seguido de un Pot Luck en el Centro Pablo VI. Todos están invitados.
Priesthood Anniversary: Father Fonseca will celebrate his anniversary of ordenation next Monday, June 13th. He would like to have a Mass at 6:00pm and then a Pot Luck Dinner at the Paul the VI Hall. All are invited.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Misa de Graduación - Graduation Mass
Misa de Graduación: Será el próximo Sábado 4 de Junio a las 6:30pm. Todos están invitados.
Graduation Mass: Will take place on Saturday, June 4th at 6:30pm. All are welcomed.
Graduation Mass: Will take place on Saturday, June 4th at 6:30pm. All are welcomed.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Confirmación - Confirmation
Confirmación: Atención Padres y Padrinos, Candidatos y Catequistas de Confirmación de Segundo año, habrá un ensayo para la Misa de Confirmación el miércoles 1 de Junio a las 7:00pm dentro de la Iglesia. Padres, Padrinos y candidatos deben estar presentes. Este es el ensayo para la misa de Confirmación el 8 de junio del 2016.
Confirmation: Attention Parents, Sponsors, Candidates and Catechist for Second Year Confirmation, there will be a practice for the Confirmation Mass on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:00pm inside the church. Parents, sponsors and candidates must be present. This is a practice for the Confirmation Mass on June 8, 2016.
Confirmation: Attention Parents, Sponsors, Candidates and Catechist for Second Year Confirmation, there will be a practice for the Confirmation Mass on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:00pm inside the church. Parents, sponsors and candidates must be present. This is a practice for the Confirmation Mass on June 8, 2016.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Primera Comunión - First Communion
Primera Comunión: Atención Padres y Catequistas de Primera Comunión de Segundo año, habrá un ensayo para la Misa de Primera Comunión este martes 17 de mayo a las 5:30pm dentro de al Iglesia. Padres y candidatos deben estar presentes. Este es el ensayo para la misa el 28 de Mayo del 2016.
First Communion: Attention Parents and Catechist for the First Communion Second Year, there will be a practice for the First Communion Mass this Tuesday, May 17 at 5:30pm inside the church. Parents and candidates must be present. This is a practice for the Mass on May 28, 2016.
Rifa de Ornato - Ornament Ministry Raffle
Rifa de Ornato: Le agradecemos a todas las personas que compraron boletos para la rifa del Ministerio Ornato el Dia de las Madres. La ganadora del Cuadro de la Virgen fue Maria Elena Amador. Dos premios de consolación fueron dados en agradecimiento, Jeff Bradley se gano un Angel y Manuel Ortega gano un Nicho de la Virgen. Por favor pasen a recoger los premios a la oficina principal. Gracias a todos por su participación.
Ornament Ministry Raffle: We would like to thank all the people that bought tickets for the Ornament Ministry, Mother's Day Raffle. The winner of of the Virgin Mary Portrait was Maria Elena Amador. Two more consolation prices were given as thanks. Mr. Jeff Bradley won an Angel statue and Manuel Ortega won a Small Virgin statue. Please come by the office to pick them up. Thanks to all por your participation.
Ornament Ministry Raffle: We would like to thank all the people that bought tickets for the Ornament Ministry, Mother's Day Raffle. The winner of of the Virgin Mary Portrait was Maria Elena Amador. Two more consolation prices were given as thanks. Mr. Jeff Bradley won an Angel statue and Manuel Ortega won a Small Virgin statue. Please come by the office to pick them up. Thanks to all por your participation.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Memorial Day Mass - Misa de Memorial Day
Misa de Memorial Day: La misa anual de Memorial Day se va a celebrar el lunes 30 de mayo a las 10:00am. La misa será celebrada especialmente para todos los que dieron su vida en el servicio de nuestra patria. También habrá un desfile de banderas. Cualquier persona que haya recibido una bandera en conmemoración del fallecimiento de un familiar y que quiera ostentarla en el desfile puede traerla a la oficina del Cementerio de Monte Carmelo antes del día 23 de mayo. Si desea que se le regrese la bandera, por favor ponga su nombre, dirección y teléfono en una hoja y entréguela con la bandera.
Memorial Day Mass: Our annual, Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 30 at 10:00am at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. There will be a display of the “Bobby Grayson-Avenue of Flags”. If anyone has flag that was presented to them at the burial service of a loved one and would like for it to be flown at this event, please bring it to the cemetery office before May 23. If you wish your flag to be returned to you, please put a tag on the flag with your name, address and phone number.
Memorial Day Mass: Our annual, Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 30 at 10:00am at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. There will be a display of the “Bobby Grayson-Avenue of Flags”. If anyone has flag that was presented to them at the burial service of a loved one and would like for it to be flown at this event, please bring it to the cemetery office before May 23. If you wish your flag to be returned to you, please put a tag on the flag with your name, address and phone number.
Tardeada Franciscana: El día 6 de Mayo a las 6:00pm en el Convento del Monte Carmelo habrá una presentación de la vida franciscana para jóvenes de 16 años en adelante. Es gratis y además incluye cena. Para más información llamar al 859-9848. [131 S Zaragoza Rd, El Paso TX 79907]
Franciscan Evening: On May 6th at 6:00pm the Friars of Mount Carmel Convent will be having a presentation on the life of Saint Francis. Youth 16 years old and onwards are invited to attend. There is no cost and food will be included. For more information, please call 859-9848. [131 S Zaragoza Rd, El Paso, TX 79907]
Nuevo Director de Educación Religiosa - New Director of Religious Education
Nuevo Director de Educación Religiosa: Queremos anunciar que Michael Dorosin es el nuevo encargado de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. Al mismo tiempo queremos expresar nuestro sincero agradecimiento a Don Luis Macías por todo su trabajo relizado en dicha oficina y le deseamos además una pronta recuperación. Dios lo bendiga.
New Director of Religious Education: We would like to announce that Michael Dorosin is the new Director for the Office of Religious Formación. At the same time we would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Luis Macias for all he has done for this office. May the Lord grant him a steady recovery.
Segunda Colecta - Second Collection
Segunda Colecta: A beneficio de la Campaña de Comunicación Católica. Gracias por su generosidad.
Second Collection: For Catholic Communication Campaign. Thank you for your generosity.
Second Collection: For Catholic Communication Campaign. Thank you for your generosity.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Colecta del Viernes Santo - Good Friday Collection
Colecta del Viernes Santo: El Papa Francisco ha pedido a nuestra parroquia apoyo para los cristianos en tierra santa. En estos tiempos tan difíciles en el Medio Oriente, su apoyo significa que nuestra parroquia podrá llevar a cabo el ministerio parroquial, proveer educación católica, alimentar a los hambrientos, desarrollar viviendas para los cristianos, mantener los santuarios y operar centros refugiados en la Tierra Santa. Nuestra parroquia apoyara a los cristianos en Tierra Santa a través de la Colecta Póntica del Viernes Santo. Como Simón de Cirenea, usted puede ayudar a llevar la cruz bajo las circunstancias difíciles de la Tierra Santa
Good Friday Collection: Pope Francis has asked our parish to support Christians in the Holy Land. In this challenging times in the Middle East, your support means that our church will conduct parish ministry, provide Catholic education, feed the hungry, build housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the Holy Land. Our parish will support Christians in the Holy Land through the Good Friday Collection. Like Simon of Cyrene, you can help carry the cross under very difficult circumstances in the Holy Land.
Good Friday Collection: Pope Francis has asked our parish to support Christians in the Holy Land. In this challenging times in the Middle East, your support means that our church will conduct parish ministry, provide Catholic education, feed the hungry, build housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the Holy Land. Our parish will support Christians in the Holy Land through the Good Friday Collection. Like Simon of Cyrene, you can help carry the cross under very difficult circumstances in the Holy Land.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Tienda de San Vicente de Paul - Saint Vincent de Paul Store
Ayúdenos a ayudar a los demás. Las tiendas de San Vicente regalan muebles, ropa y cosas para el hogar a los necesitados de El Paso. En esta temporada de cuaresma por favor consideren en su caridad cuaresmal al donar artículos que se puedan usar para darlos a los pobres. Ahora es el tiempo de ver dentro de su armario, cuarto extra y ático y saber que otras personas estarán muy agradecidas por cosas que usted ya no necesita. Para poder recoger artículos grandes y pesados como refrigeradores o sofás, por favor llamen al 564-4357. También se aceptan donaciones en el 2104 N. Piedras por favor dejen sus donaciones de martes a sábado de las 10:00am a las 6:00pm. Dios los seguirá bendiciendo al compartir sus bendiciones con los mas necesitados, gracias por sus donaciones.
Please Help us Help Others! St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores give away furniture, clothing and household goods to the needy in El Paso. This Lenten season please consider us in your Lenten charity by giving usable items to us for donations to the poor. Now is the time to look in our closets, spare rooms and attics and know that others will be very grateful to receive items that you no longer need. For Pick-up of large or heavy items such as refrigerators or sofas please call Central and East Side - (915) 564-4357. We receive donations at 2104 N. Piedras. Please drop them off Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM. God will continue to bless us as we share our blessings with others. Thank you for your generosity.
Please Help us Help Others! St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores give away furniture, clothing and household goods to the needy in El Paso. This Lenten season please consider us in your Lenten charity by giving usable items to us for donations to the poor. Now is the time to look in our closets, spare rooms and attics and know that others will be very grateful to receive items that you no longer need. For Pick-up of large or heavy items such as refrigerators or sofas please call Central and East Side - (915) 564-4357. We receive donations at 2104 N. Piedras. Please drop them off Tuesday through Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM. God will continue to bless us as we share our blessings with others. Thank you for your generosity.
Gratitud - Gratitude
Estamos muy agradecido por la donación de $1,000 que recibimos la semana pasada. Dios se los pague.
We are very grateful for the $1,000 donation we received last week. May God bless you.
We are very grateful for the $1,000 donation we received last week. May God bless you.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Peregrinación Mariana - Barebones Pilgrimage
Visitaremos Madrid, Ávila, Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Fátima, Sintra (Escalera Invertida de Dante), Lisboa, Cádiz, Granada (Tumba de los Reyes Católicos; La Alhambra), Guadix, Valencia, Peñíscola, Barcelona, Lourdes (Gruta de la Virgen), Pirineos (Picos de Europa), Zaragoza (Virgen del Pilar) Cost: $2,590.97 Para más información, hablar con el Padre.
Anyone interested, please talk to Father
Anyone interested, please talk to Father
Misa de Expiación - Mass of Atonement
El Sr. Obispo Seitz celebrara una Misa de Expiación y Esperanza para las victimas de abuso de cualquier tipo, siendo que el abuso ocurrió dentro de la iglesia, en la familia, o sociedad. La misa será el sábado, 19 de marzo a las 10:00am en la catedral de San Patricio, todos están mas que bienvenidos.
Bishop Seitz will celebrate a Mass of Atonement and Hope for the victims of abuse of any kind, whether the abuse occurred within the church, in the family, or society. The mass will be on Saturday, March 19 at 10:00am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and all are invited.
Bishop Seitz will celebrate a Mass of Atonement and Hope for the victims of abuse of any kind, whether the abuse occurred within the church, in the family, or society. The mass will be on Saturday, March 19 at 10:00am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and all are invited.
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